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Category: Semi-Trucks

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What Can Cause a Truck to Overheat?

A temperature metre in the truck showing overheating

While your engine keeps your truck moving down the road, all that work can eventually take its toll. Overheating is a common yet critical issue that many people encounter. When a truck overheats, it can lead to significant engine damage, costly repairs, and downtime.  Some of the reasons your engine may overheat include: Pinpointing the […]

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How Long Do Semi-Truck Radiators Last?

A mechanic holding a car radiator in automobile repair shop

If you’re a truck driver or owner, you know how crucial radiator service can be. Your radiator is not just a component—it’s the heart of your vehicle’s engine cooling system. By circulating coolant through your engine, your radiator helps keep your engine running smoothly and your vehicle operating as it should. But how long do […]

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Our Address

  • 6870 Edgar Industrial Dr.
  • Red Deer, AB T4P 3R2

Hours of Operation

7:00 AM 5:00 PM
7:00 AM 5:00 PM
7:00 AM 5:00 PM
7:00 AM 5:00 PM
7:00 AM 5:00 PM
By Appointment Only

Where to Find Us

You can find us on the corner of Edgar Industrial Drive and Johnstone Drive.

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