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What Are the Different Types of Oil Coolers?

A close-up image from multiple angles of a car's oil cooler.

Oil coolers play a crucial role in the performance and longevity of various types of machinery, especially vehicle engines. Lubricant coolers are typically offered in four styles, utilizing either air-to-fluid or fluid-to-fluid heat transfer. The 4 main types of oil coolers are aluminum, copper and steel tube aluminum shell, removal bundle tube and shell, and […]

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What Can Cause a Truck to Overheat?

A temperature metre in the truck showing overheating

While your engine keeps your truck moving down the road, all that work can eventually take its toll. Overheating is a common yet critical issue that many people encounter. When a truck overheats, it can lead to significant engine damage, costly repairs, and downtime.  Some of the reasons your engine may overheat include: Pinpointing the […]

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Signs That Your Heavy-Duty Truck Radiator Needs Repair

A close up of a technician's hands as he puts on gloves to work on a heavy-duty truck radiator

A heavy-duty truck’s radiator is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and safety. Without a functioning radiator, your engine can overheat, leading to costly repairs and downtime. Recognizing the early signs of radiator trouble can help you save money and keep your truck running smoothly with timely radiator repairs and maintenance. Some of the most common […]

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How Long Do Semi-Truck Radiators Last?

A mechanic holding a car radiator in automobile repair shop

If you’re a truck driver or owner, you know how crucial radiator service can be. Your radiator is not just a component—it’s the heart of your vehicle’s engine cooling system. By circulating coolant through your engine, your radiator helps keep your engine running smoothly and your vehicle operating as it should. But how long do […]

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What Causes Radiator Leaks?

A radiator technician puts a new radiator in a car.

If your car’s overheating and you’re scratching your head as to what caused the problem, a radiator can be one of the first things to check. Radiators are a crucial component of any vehicle’s cooling system, and any leaks in the radiator can lead to serious problems down the line. Corrosion, pressure, damage, poor maintenance, […]

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Common Automobile Air Conditioning & Radiator Repair Tricks and Tips

We all know the saying “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone”. Of all the myriad things this could be applied to, nowhere is it more fitting than when it is being used to describe your car’s air conditioning and radiator. You might take it for granted when everything is running smoothly, but […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Radiator Repair During This Pandemic

If it’s one thing we know about this pandemic, it’s that everything has been slowed down to a crawl – and in many cases, to a complete stop. Nothing has been able to progress as it used to, and with so many businesses closing shop – whether temporarily or for good – the reasons to […]

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Electrolysis Radiator/Heater Corrosion

When radiator corrosion comes out of nowhere and causes a vehicle’s radiator or heater to fail in a short amount of time, electrolysis corrosion inside your radiator or heater may be the culprit. You may be wondering what caused this and why there weren’t any signs of rust, cloudiness, or discoloration of the coolant. There […]

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Common Vehicle Heater Problems / Signs You Need a Radiator Flush

Most people after they have purchased a car tend to really only take care of the outside, the appearance of the car and quite often the maintenance to keep it running smoothly is overlooked. You probably won’t think much of maintenance on your cooling system until issues arise. Although its best to get your cooling […]

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The Complete Radiator Repair Cost Guide

Sometimes, things go wrong with cars, and they break down. Occasionally, your radiator will start leaking, and it will be time to get a new one installed. As soon as your radiator starts leaking, you must have it repaired or replaced or you chance overheating and having your car not run smoothly or doing serious […]

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